Trend Following Systems DIY: Has Been Translated into Japanese ようこそ + Update On What’s Going On

Pan Rolling has Translated TFS-DIY

It is available on Pan Rolling’s website at – just search for George Pruitt.

I am in the process of updating the data through the last couple of days and will have that available on the website.  I am also refactoring the code to make it easier to wade through – thanks to my readers and some very smart people.  I will create a video on the refactored version very soon.  But here is an example of the latest version of TS-18 that I will release soon.  So just keep working with the current version – I will release this new version for free of course.

Here is an example of the refactored TS-18 module

#  Remember every line of code is executed on every day of every market#
# Make sure you want to do this - if not it can slow down processing
# Define Long, Short, ExitLong and ExitShort Levels - mind your indentations

# Build some weekly bars
dateW,openW,highW,lowW,closeW,rangeW,tRangeW = getWeeklyData(marketMonitorList[curMarket].marketData,9,curBar)
# rangeW1 = [a - b for a, b in zip(highW, lowW)]
weeklyAVGRange = sAverage2(rangeW,8,2)
dailyATR = sAverage(myTrueRange,20,curBar,1)
buyLevel = sAverage(myClose,39,curBar,1) + weeklyAVGRange*2
shortLevel= sAverage(myClose,39,curBar,1) - weeklyAVGRange*2
# print(myDate[curBar-1]," ",myClose[curBar-1]," ",shortLevel," ",sAverage(myClose,39,curBar,1)," ",weeklyAVGRange)
shortExit = 999999
longExit = 0
if mp == 1 :
longExit = entryPrice[-1] - 3 *dailyATR
longExit = max(longExit,entryPrice[-1] - 5000/myBPV)
if mp ==-1 :
shortExit = entryPrice[-1] + 3 *dailyATR
shortExit = min(shortExit,entryPrice[-1]+ 5000/myBPV)
posSize = 1

# Long Entry
# Okay Let's put in some logic to create a long position
if crosses(myClose,buyLevel,1,curBar-1) and mp !=1 :
price = myOpen[curBar]
tradeName = "TF_Sys1:B"
numShares = posSize
# Long Exit
if mp == 1 and myClose[curBar-1] <= longExit and barsSinceEntry > 0:
price = myOpen[curBar]
tradeName = "Lxit"
numShares = curShares
exitPosition(price, curShares, tradeName, sysMarkDict)
# Short Entry
# Okay Let's put in some logic to create a short position
if crosses(myClose,shortLevel,-1,curBar-1) and mp !=-1:
price = myOpen[curBar]
tradeName = "TF_Sys1:S"
numShares = posSize
enterShortPosition(price, numShares, tradeName,sysMarkDict)
# Short Exit
if mp == -1 and myClose[curBar-1] >= shortExit and barsSinceEntry > 0:
price = myOpen[curBar]
tradeName = "Sxit"
numShares = curShares
exitPosition(price, curShares, tradeName,sysMarkDict)
Refactored Trade Directives from TFS #1

All pertinent information concerning a trade is dumped into a dictionary and then regurgitated when needed.  Packing the information into a dictionary cleans up the code nicely IMHO.  I will break down how I did this in the next post.  And will let you know when this version will be available.  I am also working on a very simple charting application that I will post as well.

Thanks to all my readers.






About This Site

This site is home to George’s Excellent Adventure into TradingSimula_18 and Python.  George grew tired of the old and expensive back testing software so he created his own and now is able to test and develop  Trend Following Systems utilizing EOD data and EOD intra-testing portfolio management.  This software, TradingSimula_18 can be found in his Trend Following Systems: A DIY Project – Batteries Included book – now in its 2nd edition.

February 2025