Hi to all! If you have purchased my TrendFollowing book and have used TradingSimula-18 you will notice all the data is in tabular format. I have now included output in the form of an Excel document that plots the combined equity curve of the system you are testing. Here is what the equity curve looks like
Before you can use the module to create Excel spreadsheets you must install OpenPyXl and you can do this by following this video I created:
Here is the module that you will need. Best to back up your existing module just in case. Open TradingSimula-18 Folder and rename your portfolio.py to portfolioOLD.py. Then unzip this one to your desktop and copy into your TradingSimula-18 Folder. If it ask to replace then you know you didn’t properly rename the old one. Cancel and rename the old one. If you have any problems just drop me an email.